Our Green Policy
JW Turner Limited, accepts responsibility for the harmful effects its operations have on both the local and global environment. We are very proud of our continued “green policy” efforts to improve our carbon footprint and to minimise our impact on the environment. Led by Tony Turner, Managing Director, our green initiatives have now become a routine part of our daily lives, by measuring our impacts on the environment and setting targets for ongoing improvements.
JW Turner Ltd recognise the importance of the environment and the effect that carbon emissions have, therefore as a company we will comply with all relevant environmental legislation, regulation, and approved codes of practice.
As a company we will implement training programs for staff to raise awareness of environmental ussies and enlist their support improving the company’s performance. JW Turner Ltd will also encourage the adoption of similar principles by its suppliers.
JW Turner Ltd, will carry our all reasonably practicable steps to improve the environment in and around our projects to improve environmental performance.
Our aims will be, wherever possible to:
- Minimise waste by evaluating operations and ensuring they are as efficient as possible.
- Limit noise in and around our projects.
- Promote and use recyclable and sustainable materials.
- Reduce the amount of gas, electricity and water used in all our projects.
- Carry out and review all our risk assessments to ensure the safety to our staff.
- Assess the environmental impact the company’s activities have on the environment and to insure best practice wherever is reasonably practicable.
- Minimise toxic emissions through the selection and use of its fleet and the source of its power requirement.
- Create awareness to all our employees through regular briefings and energy meetings.
- Actively promote recycling both internally and amongst its customers and suppliers.
- Source and promote a product range to minimise the environmental impact of both production and distribution.
- Meet or exceed all the environmental legislation that relates to the Company.
We are committed to creating an “environmental culture” in all our projects.
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